Producing paper statements is typically expensive and fraught with mistakes, risks, and headaches. Electronic alternatives, like email, make great business sense except payers overwhelmingly still demand paper. In fact, most analysts estimate 95-98% of all statements are still printed and mailed. Most Billers are left waiting for consumers to request electronic statements. Wait no longer. BillFlash makes it easy to send professionally printed statements, email bill notifications, take online payments and collect payments with their Lytec integrated payment processing. Don’t spend another day waiting for patient payments to improve. Call today to get started with a, no strings attached, 30 day trial. BillFlash will pay all statements processing, credit card and e-check processing fees, all you pay for is the cost of a stamp for each statement sent. Where Billers and Payers WinYou produce your statements in just 5 minutes...saving you several hours every monthPayers receive high quality paper statementsA Brief Introduction to BillFlash, see the video below:
How does BillFlash work? Simply.
Through BillFlash your statements join more than 10,000,000 other critical statements produced each month at our facilities. Many Fortune 1,000 companies including Circuit City, ADP, Invesco, Marriott, Waste Management, Siemens, Wachovia, and GE, use these same processing centers. Rest assured that your statements will be produced and delivered: Easily, Accurately, Securely, Cost-Effectively, On-time, Every time. Call Kaberline Healthcare to learn how easy it is to start using BillFlash in your practice. |